Amsterdam has a reputation as one of the most laid back cities on earth, and let’s face it, we all know why most tourists go there. However, Amsterdam has still been affected by the smoking ban, as you are no longer allowed to smoke tobacco indoors.

This ban does not apply to pure weed blunts. You are allowed to go into an Amsterdam cafe and smoke a roll up that contains nothing but marijuana, but if it has even a pinch of tobacco you can be fined. Madness! However, marijuana is not the only smokable excluded from the ban – you are allowed to smoke tobacco free herbal alternatives inside. The only problem then is that most herbal tobaccos are, to put it politely, not quite up to par. So if you want to smoke inside and don’t like herbal tobacco you are left with no choice but to smoke pure weed blunts, and these are often so strong that they are not exactly what you are looking for, i.e. a relaxing rather than mind blowing smoke!

On my last trip to Amsterdam a couple of weeks ago, I found that the cafes have discovered a new alternative to this problem. A new herbal called Greengo Tobacco. At first I was terribly skeptical as I really don’t like herbal tobacco; the flavour to me has always been very cloying and heavy. However this new tobacco really caught my interest.

Don’t ask me how this is possible, but when smoked in a joint Greengo is completely flavourless. Not only that but it actually enhances the effect of weed when mixed together. Many of the cafes now offer Greengo for free! You go into your cafe, buy your weed, and they have a great big pot of Greengo at the counter that you can help yourself to in order to roll your joint with.

Needless to say I became hooked and now I’m home I’m really happy to see that Greengo is available to buy in the UK. Doing a little more research on it I’ve found that it has less tar than regular tobacco, and is much cheaper to buy. I think I know what I’ll be rolling my joints with from now on.